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For General Public

Kauai CWPP - Update 2016

HWMO spearheaded the effort to write and implement this 2016 Kauai Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) Update.

CWPPs are a great planning tool for communities and have become a prerequisite for receiving federal funding for wildfire protection projects. A CWPP assists a community in identifying and prioritizing areas for hazardous fuel reduction treatments, and supports communities to take action. The plan assesses values at risk such as safety, natural resource protection, recreation, scenic values, and economic assets. Through a collaborative process involving input from community members, resource management and firefighting agencies, and a variety of other interested parties, CWPPs help bring wildfire hazard information and planning and action opportunities to all parties. These plans are increasingly important in Hawaii, which faces unique wildfire threats that are becoming more challenging due to increasing ignitions, drought episodes and land use changes. Wildfires have great impacts on Hawaii Island residents and natural resources, affecting:

• Daily life (road closures, traffic, evacuations, post-fire flooding, tax payer dollars)
• Human health and safety (dust, smoke, water quality, burned homes and structures, resident and firefighter safety)
• Ecosystem health and resilience (watersheds, forests, coral reefs, fisheries)

Official Plan:

KCWPPU plan with appendices 161226.compressed_Page_001.jpg

2-Page Summary:

2018_4_18_CWPP Concerns and Priorities Overview_Kauai Update_FINAL_HWMO_Page_1.jpg

Why HWMO? Infographic

Find out what our staff is saying about HWMO and visualize the projects we have been working on the past few years in our new infographic. 

US Insurance Agents Home Fire Safety Guides and Educational Resources Library

"Although home fires have decreased drastically over the last thirty-five years, they still happen frequently. In fact, over 369,000 home fires occur in the United States each year, resulting in $6.8 billion worth of damage. Many of these fires are preventable, but some are not. Learn about the steps you can take to keep your family safe in the event of a fire, because when it comes to home fires, preparation can mean the difference in life and death."

Prevent Wildfires to Protect Our Ocean (VIDEO)


In 2016, Maui had its worst wildfire season in many years. With barely any vegetation left in the burned areas to hold down silty soils, a mid-September storm rained down on the burned lands and carried trash and debris through our watersheds and out into the ocean. This video tells the story post-fire flooding and its impacts on our communities, lands, and waters. 

Footage of post-fire flooding was filmed in West Maui on the days following the September 13th storm. 

Share this video with your friends, 'ohana, coworkers and everyone else you know who cares about our oceans.

And remember to share the message: 

Pablo Beimler - Producer, Writer, Videographer, Editor, Narrator
Elizabeth Pickett - Writer
Gordon Firestein - Launiupoko Videos
Doris Lang - Launiupoko Videos
Seri Niimi-Burch - Airport Fire Video

Music by - "Piano Moment"

This video was made possible through the support provided by U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, under the terms of Grant No. 16-DG-11052012-146. The opinions expressed in this video are those of the author(s) and does not necessarily reflect views of the U.S. Forest Service. USDA is an equal opportunity provider. 

Wildfire & Drought Look Out! Video News Release

On May 13, 2016, a number of governmental and non-governmental partners released a statewide campaign called Wildfire & Drought Look Out! to inform residents and visitors of Hawaii to take action to prevent and prepare for wildfires.

Wildfire & Drought Look Out! - 1st Press Release

1st Press Release for the May 13th launch of the Wildfire & Drought Look Out! statewide campaign.

Hidden Victims of the Nanakuli Fire (VIDEO)

The Nanakuli Fire in March of 2016 threatened a number of homes along the edges of the valley. However, some precious native plants were also in the path of the destructive fire. Here's the story behind what happened and the larger lesson of how wildfires impact Hawaii's native ecosystems.

How to Become a Firewise Community (Flyer)

 As of July 2015, we began working with a number of communities to help them achieve Firewise Communities Recognition, a nationwide program that recognizes communities for their efforts towards reducing the loss of lives, properties, and resources to wildfire. “The Firewise Communities approach emphasizes community responsibility for planning in the design of a safe community as well as effective emergency response, and individual responsibility for safer home construction and design, landscaping and maintenance.”

    If your community is interested, we can help you through each step of the certification process. Contact us today! As a nonprofit organization, our mission is to support your fire protection efforts. Becoming Firewise is an excellent step toward safeguarding your community and we are happy to help.

Bushfire Garden Recovery Video Series

Bushfire Garden Recovery Video Series

Plenty of great tips on how to garden and landscape around your home to minimize wildfire risk. Although the area of focus is in Australia, many of the takeaways can apply directly to your home in Hawaii. It also makes an impact to hear about real stories from community members who experienced wildfire threats first-hand and learn from how they made their homes safer.

El Niño and Fire Weather on Pacific Islands

The current (2015-2016), strong El Niño is forecast to bring drier conditions to our region this summer and beyond.  This PFX fact sheet illustrates how droughts under prior El Niños have resulted in extensive fires across the region.  This indicates the current forecast is an opportunity to plan and increase preparedness for conditions of higher fire danger.