The Firewise USA® program helps communities adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action now to prevent losses.

In Hawaiʻi, 17 communities have currently joined the nationwide network of more than 1,500 recognized Firewise USA® sites, taking action and ownership in preparing and protecting their homes against the threat of wildfire. 

These Communities have taken the following measures to become certified with the NFPA:

In 2015, Kanehoa became the first community in over a decade to become a nationally-recognized Firewise Community. Since then, over 10 communities have joined the movement statewide and more continue to join!

Firewise Communities Recognition Program in Hawaiʻi

From 2004 to 2014, Kohala-by-the-Sea was the only Firewise Community in the state. In July 2015, HWMO began working with communities statewide to help them achieve Firewise Community Recognition. The recognition program is part of a nationwide effort of over 1,500 neighborhoods (and counting) working towards a common goal: protecting the community from wildfire. Since 2015, HWMO has assisted 17 communities on Hawaiʻi Island, Maui, Molokaʻi, and Oʻahu to help them achieve national Firewise Communities recognition.

Our proud members of this movement are:

Hawaiʻi Island 

1) Kohala by the Sea (est. 2004) 

2) Kanehoa Subdivision (est. 2015) 

3) Waikōloa Village (est. 2016) 

4) Waialea (est. 2016) 

5) Kailapa (est. 2016) 

6) Kohala Waterfront (est. 2017) 

7) Waikiʻi Ranch (est. 2017) 

8) Puʻukapu Pastoral (est. 2018) 

9) Puʻuanahulu (est. 2020) 

10) Kohala Ranch (est. 2023) 

11) Waiʻulaʻula at Mauna Kea Resort (est. 2023) 

12) Kamuela View Estates (est. 2023) 

13) Anekona Estates (in process) 


1) Waiohuli (est. 2016) 

2) Kahikinui (est. 2016) 

3) Launiupoko (est. 2016) 

4) Kāʻanapali Coffee Farms (in process) 

5) Lanikeha (in process) 


1) Paniolo Hale (est. 2019) 


1) Kamilonui Valley/Mariner’s Cove (est. 2018) 

2) Waiʻalae Iki V (in process)

Please let us know if you and your community are interested in becoming Firewise. HWMO is eager to help in any capacity that we are able. The NFPA also does a great job of creating the structure so that it is easy for communities to be safer regarding wildfires. There are a few things that you and your neighbors can do quite easily to reduce your risk of catastrophe if a fire starts up near you.

The benefits of becoming a recognized Firewise Community include: 

  • Increase wildfire safety and resiliency

  • Unite together as a community

  • Build new partnerships

  • Gain greater access to federal grant funding for projects

  • Be a part of a growing movement in Hawaii and across the nation

  • Have lots of fun!

As a nonprofit organization, our mission is to support your wildfire protection efforts, so we work hard to secure grants and other sources to provide these services at no cost to you or your community. Becoming a nationally recognized Firewise Community is an excellent step toward safeguarding your family, home, and neighborhood. Additionally, the certified Firewise Communities across Hawaiʻi have opportunities to get together, support each other, and learn from one another.

Will you join us in becoming the next Firewise Community?

Learn more on our Firewise-specific virtual workshop recordings:

Learn from Dr. Jack Cohen how your home can survive a wildfire!

Dr. Jack Cohen, a highly respected expert on wildfire behavior and fire science research, explains how fireproofing your home can help protect it from wildfire. A high-intensity flame from a wildfire is less likely to ignite the home than “firebrands”—the hot embers that are spit from the intense flames and then deposited on flammable materials on or surrounding the home. That’s why it’s recommended you use landscaping as one of the defensive methods against wildfire.

Learn more about wildfire prevention and mitigation at and Also, visit for additional resources.

© 2015 National Fire Protection Association® (NFPA®). All rights reserved.

The 2024 Firewise Funds Application is now open (on a rolling basis until April 30, 2024, or until funds are exhausted) for current Firewise sites to apply for grant awards to support wildfire risk reduction projects for this year’s Wildfire Community Preparedness Month (May 2024).