Regularly updated drought conditions for the State of Hawaii.
“Get the latest state-by-state Wildfire news and updates, prepare your family, home and pets, let loved ones know that you are safe even if the power is out - a must have for anyone who lives in an area that is susceptible to wildfires or has loved ones that do."
Regularly updated maps of fire and smoke analyses and real-time satellite imagery loops. Also a large collection of GIS files and Google KML files are available.
"The Fire Weather program is used by land management personnel primarily for input in decision-making related to pre-suppression and other planning, that may impact firefighter safety, protection of the public and property, and resource allocation. The primary source of information is the routinely issued Fire Weather Planning Forecast. In Hawaii, this product is issued once a day around 5:30 am HST."
Real-time updated map of the State of Hawaii with information on current temperature, wind, dew point, and humidity.
Site-specific, real-time fire weather updates using Google Maps API platform.
Real-time maps including forecast maps, active alerts, radar, and satellite.
Resource library of various climate and weather tools that can be used for site-specific areas.