Wildfire & Drought LOOKOUT! 

is a continuing awareness/preparedness campaign to keep people across the state informed of current fire and drought conditions, provide tips on protecting life and property from wildfires, and to provide information and education on how to deal with prolonged drought. More than three dozen federal, state and county government agencies and supporting organizations are a part of the effort.


Click Here for the Wildfire & Drought Lookout! 2023 Press Release

Click Here for Recent Wildfires Following Drought Conditions Across Hawai’i 2023 News Release

Click Here for NOAA’s 2021-2022 Wet Season Rainfall Summary for Hawaiʻi

Below are resources for you to explore and share with your network.

Make sure to use #WildfireLookout when posting to social media!

Wildfire Lookout! has been translated!

In this Action Guide, we provide an in-depth look at the tips and tools you need to prepare for a wildland fire threat (Ready), have situational awareness when a fire starts (Set), and to evacuate early (Go!).

The best practices presented in this guide should be known to all who desire to reduce their wildfire risks to the homes, families, and assets. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in a paper copy, or if you have any questions.

Upcoming Webinar

Wednesday, May 1, at 12:00 pm HST Register:  tinyurl.com/RSGMay2024

Recorded Webinar

Sign up for Civil Defense and Emergency Alerts in your county:

Click the image for Hawaii County Civil Defense Alerts and Notifications

Click the image for Hawaii County Civil Defense Alerts and Notifications

Click the image for Maui County Emergency Alert System

Click the image for Maui County Emergency Alert System

Click the image for Kauaʻi County Emergency Alert System

Click the image for Kauaʻi County Emergency Alert System

Click the image for State of Hawaii Alerts list; separated by county

Click the image for State of Hawaii Alerts list; separated by county

Click the image above to sign up for federal emergency alerts

Click the image above to sign up for federal emergency alerts

Shareable Tip Banners:

Use these sharable tips to print and post in commonly viewed areas, or share them with your network! Mitigating the destruction that these wildfires cause takes everyone’s effort and understanding. The more these tips can be shared with people across Hawaii, the safer all of the communities will be from wildfire.

 Summary of shareable WIldfire Lookout! Tips:

Mahalo to all the wonderful partners involved:

The Wildfire & Drought LOOKOUT! campaign is brought to you by:

  • Hawaii Dept. of Land & Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife

  • Hawaii Dept. of Land & Natural Resources, Commission on Water Resource Management

  • Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization

  • Honolulu Fire Department

  • Federal Fire Department

  • National Weather Service

  • College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at the University of Hawaii

  • U.S. Forest Service

  • United States Geological Survey

  • National Park Service

  • U.S. Navy-Hickam/Pearl Harbor

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

  • U.S. Army

  • Hawaii Board of Water Supply

  • Honolulu Board of Water Supply

  • Hawaii Dept. of Agriculture

  • The Nature Conservancy

  • Mauna Kahālāwai Watershed Partnership

  • Maui Fire Department

  • Kauai Fire Department

  • Hawaii Fire Department

  • East Maui Watershed Partnership

  • Maui County Water Department

  • Central West Olinda/Kula/Hana Soil & Water Conservation District

  • Kau/Puna/Waiakea Soil & Water Conservation District

  • Kauai Water Department

  • Kona Soil & Water Conservation District

  • Kauai Water Department

  • Kauai Watershed Alliance

  • Waianae Mountains Watershed Partnership

  • Koolau Mountains Watershed Partnership

  • East Molokai Watershed Partnership

  • Leeward Haleakala Watershed Restoration Partnership

  • The Kohala Center

  • Three Mountain Alliance

  • Mauna Kea Watershed Alliance

  • Kohala Watershed Partnership

  • University of Hawaiʻi - Mānoa

  • Hawaii Water Service Company