Outreach Events

We have participated in many of the great community events on Hawaii Island. All of our staff members have helped set-up and handed out information at our booth at different times. Sometimes we are even joined by our good friend, Smokey the Bear, to help us spread information on fire safety tips!

Occasionally, the local fire crews will also join us with their fire trucks, which the kids (and adults) love to explore. 

We hand out a wide range of useful guides regarding "Ready, Set, Go!" and "Firewise" principles, our Waikoloa Dryland Wildfire Safety Park guide, to name a few. For the keiki who visit, we hand out great gift bags full of colorful stickers, pens, coloring books, frisbees, bookmarks and more!

Our newest draw for the keiki has been our Wildland Firefighter Photo Shoot where the young ones get to dress up in real gear donated by National Park Service and Division of Forestry & Wildlife. They can take the memory home with them with a Polaroid photo (yes, they still exist!)

Contact us if you would like us to set up a booth at your event!