Ouli Park Fuelbreak
Forest Solutions makes easy work of vegetative fuel removal with excavator.
Location: Just Mauka of Kanehoa Firewise Community at Ouli Streamside Park
What it protects: Homes around Ouli Park: Kamuela View neighborhood, Kanehoa Firewise Community, and roadside homes next to Kawaihae Hwy
Project Partners: Fire Adapted Community Network funds were used to support a collaborative, cross-boundary fuels reduction project. Various partners came to the table, and identified the need for a fuel break. HWMO facilitated this fuelbreak to be constructed in partnership with Nahelehele Dry Land Forest Non-profit, the South Kohala Coastal Partnership, County of Hawaii, Forest Solutions Inc. Mary Metcalf, Mike Donoho, and Willie Rice were instrumental in the planning and implementation of this fuel break. Mahalo to Clem Lam for giving access through his property.
NOTE: You can click on the images below to enlarge them.
View of Ouli Park from the makai side, as Forest Solutions removes vegetation with excavator.