CONGRATULATIONS! You have found one of the four fires of your scavenger hunt.
The Waialua Fire was the largest wildfire between 2003-2007 that burned during the kau season.
The fire ultimately burned over 7,000 acres. You can see just how scary the fire was from the photo on the right! This shows the importance of planning and creating defensible space around your home ahead of time. Learn more about how you and your family can protect yourselves from wildfire with the Ready, Set, Go! Action Guide.
"A brush fire that consumed more than 1,500 acres closed roads and forced the evacuation of at least two housing areas on the North Shore yesterday."
"Portions of Kamehameha Highway, Kaukonahua Road and Farrington Highway were closed to traffic as a result of the fire.
Hawaiian Electric Co. shut down power to about 1,130 customers in the area.
The Hawaii chapter of the American Red Cross opened up a shelter at Waialua District Park community center but moved it to Whitmore Community Park at about 8 p.m. after power went out."