Please share these steps far and wide! We want everyone in our island community to prepare their homes ahead of wildfires.
Tips for Firewise Landscaping
Please share these steps far and wide! We want everyone in our island community to prepare their homes ahead of wildfires.
Simple Steps to Become Wildfire-Ready
Please share these steps far and wide! We want everyone in our island community to be prepared for wildfire well in advance of an actual ignition.
⼭林⽕灾防控指南 (Wildfire LOOKOUT!)
林野⽕災に備えて (Wildfire LOOKOUT!)
Firewise Community Outreach Strategies
During HWMO's Virtual Workshop #2: Outreach Strategies, we go into the different strategies that have been proven to be effective for firewise communities across that country. Sometimes gaining support for fuel mitigation measures, educational efforts, outreach, and engagement events can be difficult. It is our goal that by employing some of these strategies, your community will be able to increase participation in community-wide Firewise activities. (Video: 34 minutes)
Wahi kiaʻi no nā ahi hihiu! (Wildfire LOOKOUT!)
Firewise 101: A Refresher Course of the Firewise Program
Dealing with your backyard during COVID 19 and wildfire season (Virtual Workshop Recording)
This virtual workshop is all about integrating simple, easy-to-use Firewise landscaping principles to reduce your wildfire risk around your home. We go into some of the most important aspects to understand while reducing the chances your home could burn down in a wildfire situation. (Video: 1 hour, 11 minutes)