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virtual workshops

Ready, Set, Go! Virtual Wildfire Preparedness Workshop

This (virtual) wildfire preparedness workshop is perfect for those who would like to reduce their wildfire risks to the homes and families, and understand the risk of wildfire a bit better. The tips we share in this video have been recommended by national agencies and organizations in order to make you and your neighborhoods more wildfire ready and wildfire prepared. (Video: 47 minutes)

Dealing with your backyard during COVID 19 and wildfire season (Virtual Workshop Recording)

Dealing with your backyard during COVID 19 and wildfire season (Virtual Workshop Recording)

This virtual workshop is all about integrating simple, easy-to-use Firewise landscaping principles to reduce your wildfire risk around your home. We go into some of the most important aspects to understand while reducing the chances your home could burn down in a wildfire situation. (Video: 1 hour, 11 minutes)