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Data Sources

Hawaii Wildfire Interactive Webapp

The Hawaii Wildfire webapp visualizes wildfire data across Hawaii. It has four types of data: fire history, community hazard assessments, community input information, and census data.

Hawaiian Fire Potential Outlook Products

March - June 2017 weather conditions that affect fire potential in Hawaii.

Stay up-to-date about various weather and fuels conditions in Hawaii that affect fire potential with this useful service from North Ops Predictive Services meteorologists. 4-month Significant Fire Potential Outlook products are available as a "pdf", powerpoint, or video.


Why HWMO? Infographic

Find out what our staff is saying about HWMO and visualize the projects we have been working on the past few years in our new infographic. 

Hawaii Rangelands - Climate and Weather

Resource library of various climate and weather tools that can be used for site-specific areas. 

Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) Newsletters

An up-to-date newsletter published by the Joint Fire Science Program, highlighting the most pressing issues in national fire science, suppression, and management.

NOAA Smoke and Fire Hazard Maps

Regularly updated maps of fire and smoke analyses and real-time satellite imagery loops. Also a large collection of GIS files and Google KML files are available. 

National Weather Service - Hawaii Fire Weather Products

"The Fire Weather program is used by land management personnel primarily for input in decision-making related to pre-suppression and other planning, that may impact firefighter safety, protection of the public and property, and resource allocation. The primary source of information is the routinely issued Fire Weather Planning Forecast. In Hawaii, this product is issued once a day around 5:30 am HST."