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Community Leadership

How to Become a Firewise Community (Flyer)

 As of July 2015, we began working with a number of communities to help them achieve Firewise Communities Recognition, a nationwide program that recognizes communities for their efforts towards reducing the loss of lives, properties, and resources to wildfire. “The Firewise Communities approach emphasizes community responsibility for planning in the design of a safe community as well as effective emergency response, and individual responsibility for safer home construction and design, landscaping and maintenance.”

    If your community is interested, we can help you through each step of the certification process. Contact us today! As a nonprofit organization, our mission is to support your fire protection efforts. Becoming Firewise is an excellent step toward safeguarding your community and we are happy to help.

Firewise Communities Recognition Program Webpage

Firewise Communities Recognition Program Webpage

"The Firewise Communities/USA Recognition Program is a process that empowers neighbors to work together in reducing their wildfire risk. Join the growing network of more than 950 recognized Firewise communities taking action and ownership in preparing and protecting their homes against the threat of wildfire."

Safer From the Start: Developing a Firewise Community Video

“‘Safer From the Start’ documents the journey of one developer who incorporated Firewise principles into the development of a new subdivision. Learn about the benefits of creating a safer community in a wildland fire prone area and for minimal cost.”

Agricultural Leadership Program of Hawaii

Trainings and workshops for developing collaborative leadership tools.

Extension at the Wildland-Urban Interface: A Case Study of Community Fire Planning

“The recent nationwide emphasis on community fire planning provides an important new opportunity for Extension. This article presents a case study of Extension involvement in neighborhood fire planning. We describe how intensive neighborhood outreach, design, and delivery of educational programs and facilitation of a steering committee have improved neighborhood cohesion and interagency coordination in addressing wildfire issues in a 250,000-acre watershed.” 

Disaster Preparedness and the Cooperative Extension Service

"This article captures examples of Extension's involvement in the disaster realm and encourages additional work in the many aspects of community emergency preparedness.”

Ready, Set, Go! Project Implementation and Background Guide

This guide is directed towards fire chiefs who would like to further connect their department with their community.

Public Perceptions of Wildfire Risk and Forest Management in the Central Pine Barrens of Long Island

This study in the Central Pine Barrens of Long Island, New York (USA) looked at the relationships between previous experience with wildland fire, level of knowledge about forest management to reduce fire danger and attitudes toward implementing these strategies in local forests.