A short PSA with animated characters to educate people about the four key elements that dictate fire behavior universally.
Wildfire LOOKOUT! Flyer
Wildfires are a frequent and significant hazard across Hawaii.
Help do your part by preventing wildfire and following these 14 easy action ideas to prepare your home, family, and community.
Prevent Wildfires to Protect Our Ocean (VIDEO)
In 2016, Maui had its worst wildfire season in many years. With barely any vegetation left in the burned areas to hold down silty soils, a mid-September storm rained down on the burned lands and carried trash and debris through our watersheds and out into the ocean. This video tells the story post-fire flooding and its impacts on our communities, lands, and waters.
Footage of post-fire flooding was filmed in West Maui on the days following the September 13th storm.
Share this video with your friends, 'ohana, coworkers and everyone else you know who cares about our oceans.
And remember to share the message:
Pablo Beimler - Producer, Writer, Videographer, Editor, Narrator
Elizabeth Pickett - Writer
Gordon Firestein - Launiupoko Videos
Doris Lang - Launiupoko Videos
Seri Niimi-Burch - Airport Fire Video
Music by Bensound.com - "Piano Moment"
This video was made possible through the support provided by U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, under the terms of Grant No. 16-DG-11052012-146. The opinions expressed in this video are those of the author(s) and does not necessarily reflect views of the U.S. Forest Service. USDA is an equal opportunity provider.