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For General Public

Forest Action Plans - Hawaii

Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) developed an "Action Plan to compliment and reinforce the missions of [its] many partners working on various aspects of water resources management. Wildfire management is specifically addressed in the plan.

Native Plants Hawaii - Searchable Database

Looking for the right native plants to grow around your home? This database has a plethora of information regarding Hawaii's native plants and everything you need to know about each and every one of them. 

Community Wildfire Hazard Assessments - County of Kauai

Wildfire Hazard Assessments were conducted by HWMO and its partners to rate 36 different hazard criteria for the County of Kauai.

Hawaii State Wildfire History Interactive Map - Geoportal

Hawaii State Wildfire History Interactive Map - Geoportal

The Hawaii State Wildfire History HWMO spearheaded comes to life in this interactive map, made possible by our friends at UH Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR). Click around the map to locate wildfires that have occurred from 2002-2011 across the entire state and track down their sizes (acreage burned).

Wildfire, Watersheds and Forests in Hawaii (VIDEO)

Lisa Hadway, former administrator of the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife discusses the environmental and economic impacts of wildfires on Hawaii's native forests. 

Fire footage is from a fire on January 23, 2015 that burned approximately 460 acres of mostly intact native forest in the Kipapa drainage above Mililani Mauka.

Firewise Communities Recognition Program Webpage

Firewise Communities Recognition Program Webpage

"The Firewise Communities/USA Recognition Program is a process that empowers neighbors to work together in reducing their wildfire risk. Join the growing network of more than 950 recognized Firewise communities taking action and ownership in preparing and protecting their homes against the threat of wildfire."

Community Wildfire Hazard Assessments - Molokai

Community Wildfire Hazard Assessments - Molokai

Wildfire Hazard Assessments were conducted by HWMO and its partners to rate 36 different hazard criteria for the island of Molokai.

Community Wildfire Hazard Assessments - Maui (West)

Community Wildfire Hazard Assessments - Maui (West)

Wildfire Hazard Assessments were conducted by HWMO and its partners to rate 36 different hazard criteria for the weset area of the island of Maui.