The Lessons Learned Center is a hub for summaries and analyses of accidents associated with wildland fire events. A great place to learn from others' mistakes.
NOAA Smoke and Fire Hazard Maps
CalFire Set Brochure
Equipment Use Safety Brochure
“Whether working to create a defensible space around your home, just mowing the lawn, or pulling your dirt bike over to the side of the road, if you live in a wildland area you need to use all equipment responsibly. Lawn mowers, weedeaters, chain saws, grinders, welders, tractors, and trimmers can all spark a wildland fire. Do your part, the right way, to keep your community fire safe.”
Para Grass Fact Sheet
National Weather Service - Hawaii Fire Weather Products
"The Fire Weather program is used by land management personnel primarily for input in decision-making related to pre-suppression and other planning, that may impact firefighter safety, protection of the public and property, and resource allocation. The primary source of information is the routinely issued Fire Weather Planning Forecast. In Hawaii, this product is issued once a day around 5:30 am HST."