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Hawaii Wildfire Interactive Webapp

The Hawaii Wildfire webapp visualizes wildfire data across Hawaii. It has four types of data: fire history, community hazard assessments, community input information, and census data.

Red Cross Wildfire Alerts App

Make sure to download the Emergency App and other on-the-go emergency alert resources for the whole mobile suite.

From the Source:

Be ready for wildfire with Wildfire by the American Red Cross. Get the latest state-by-state Wildfire news and updates, prepare your family, home and pets, let loved ones know that you are safe even if the power is out – a must have for anyone who lives in an area that is susceptible to wildfires or has loved ones that do.


Red Cross Wildfire Alerts App

“Get the latest state-by-state Wildfire news and updates, prepare your family, home and pets, let loved ones know that you are safe even if the power is out - a must have for anyone who lives in an area that is susceptible to wildfires or has loved ones that do."

FIREMON: Fire Effects Monitoring and Inventory Protocol Webpage

"FIREMON: Fire Effects Monitoring and Inventory System is an agency independent plot level sampling system designed to characterize changes in ecosystem attributes over time."


“The BehavePlus fire modeling system is a PC-based program that is a collection of models that describe fire behavior, fire effects, and the fire environment...BehavePlus is a flexible system that produces tables, graphs, and simple diagrams and can be used for a multitude of fire management applications.”

Applied Wildland Fire Research in Support of Project Level Hazardous Fuels Planning Toolkit

“The Science Synthesis Toolkit offers a suite of resources relevant to planning and evaluating consequences of fuels treatments on our communities (social and economic), fire behavior, and the environment (air, water, soils, plants, weeds, wildlife habitat, and the likelihood of Armillaria disease)."