A lot goes into a single document. What ends up on dozens of pages of paper is only a small part of the hard work and dedication that goes into a Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
From left to right: Lance De Silva (DLNR DOFAW), Doreen Canto (DHHL), Anna Foust (Maui CD), Elizabeth Pickett (HWMO), and Chief Jeffrey Murray (MFD).
We are thankful for everyone who has helped us develop the Upcountry and Maui CWPPs, including those who showed up to provide input at meetings and our partners who shared their expertise and knowledge about the areas. A CWPP is only as strong as the amount of dedication and thought the partnering agencies and communities put into it, so we are truly blessed for everyone’s kokua.
To cap off the CWPP process, HWMO’s Elizabeth Pickett flew to Maui to meet with Lance De Silva (DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife), Anna Foust (Maui Civil Defense), Chief Jeffrey Murray (Maui Fire Department), and Doreen Canto (Department of Hawaiian Homelands) at the Maui Fire Prevention Office in Wailuku on July 29th. Mr. De Silva, Ms. Foust, and Chief Murray acted as representatives of their agencies to sign and thus make official the completion of the Upcountry and South Maui CWPPs.
With these plans in place, communities, organizations, and landowners/managers within Upcountry and South Maui will be able to apply for federal grant funding for wildfire-related projects.
Special mahalo to our very own Elizabeth Pickett, who pulled many all nighters to make sure the plans were ready to go this July! Mahalos also to our GIS specialist, Orlando Smith, for making the countless maps for the plans; Pablo Beimler, for his help writing parts of the plan and helping edit; and former employee, Ilene Grossman, for her help coordinating the community meetings.
The plans will be available on our HWMO Products page shortly.