Presenting the new Fire Management Action Committee along with Board President Amy Swan (third from left) and GM Roger Wehrsig (third from right).
The Waikoloa Village Association recently took a major leap in sustaining wildfire preparedness actions by creating an official Fire Management Action Committee. Our dear friend and HWMO Fundraising Committee, Mark Gordon, stepped into the role of chairperson and recruited three other residents to be a part of the committee: Wayne Awai, Beverly Brand, and Dave Faucette. Each member will bring a unique toolset and knowledge of the area to the table.
On August 25th, the committee met for the first time at the Waikoloa Village Association conference room. HWMO’s Pablo Beimler joined the committee, as well as Board President Amy Swan and WVA General Manager Roger Wehrsig, for a discussion on the Firewise Communities Recognition Program. The group decided to work with HWMO to achieve Firewise certification for 2016, scheduling a community hazard assessment for mid-September as a next step.
Big mahalo to Ms. Swan, Mr. Wehrsig, and the entire Fire Management Action Committee for inviting us to be a part of the discussion and continuing a long-standing partnership between HWMO and the Waikoloa Village Association.